Simple and effective

Health goal

Finding the molecules in nature that support and improve our health and well-being is a quest as old as humanity itself. On a more modest scale, the experts at QWB have been working in this field for over twenty years.

Our mission: we want to offer unique solutions.
Quite simply.

This is where we put all our time, resources and efforts. In an age and a market where specialists have the upper hand, we’ve decided to do only what we know how to do, to do it in the best way possible, and to offer it to you.

Expertise is not a title but a requirement

Real expertise has one fundamental characteristic: it is always partial. At QWB, we don’t know how to do much. But what we do know how to do, we want to do perfectly.

We’ve been working in the plant industry for over twenty years. Observing and understanding how nature works, analyzing raw materials, extracting their active ingredients without denaturing them, and formulating them for simple and effective use is a demanding job.

Full command of every production stage

Selection of sustainable raw materials

Innovative extraction of active molecules