Living in good health can be a matter of chance…or choice
A long and healthy life expectancy is a major concern for consumers. In fact, since 2011, it has been one of the components of happiness and one of the factors in its evaluation worldwide (Source World Happiness Report).
In 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) introduced the well-being dimension into its actions. Achieving well-being is now a public health objective. According to WHO, health is no longer simply the absence of disease or infirmity. It integrates the notion of balance between physical, mental, emotional, spiritual and social well-being.
Acting on these different factors means choosing to improve your quality of life and giving yourself every chance of living longer, in good health.
Three quarters of consumers take dietary supplements…
… and 90 % of users agree that taking food supplements is essential to their well-being and Health. *
It’s not just about living longer, it’s about living better while you’re alive.
* CRN study April 2023, 3192 respondents
In 2024, consumers say they are focused on maintaining specific health areas to reach their goals of well-being
Health areas to maintain
81 %
physical health *
74 %
mental health
71 %
emotional health
62 %
say improve gut health is important
* Leger, USA & Canada, 2024, US Health&Welness report
Preserve health and prevent the imbalances responsible for the body’s dysfunctions
QWB supports a holistic view of health based on a scientific approach.
We offer highly marketable solutions that address the full spectrum of consumers needs throughout their life.
We use innovative extraction technology
Plant Extraction
We’ve got the ingredients, it’s up to you to find the recipe
To preserve their health and achieve their goal of optimal well-being, consumers of dietary supplements are now looking for more than just effective ingredients.
Consumer choices are made based on financial and environmental reasons, while traceability and compliance with food safety standards are also important. Products containing solvents that could denature the plant raw material and cause side effects are now also under scrutiny.
QWB develops natural, healthy and sustainable solutions to help you feel good in body and mind.
How? Quite simply, by finding them where they are, within plants. Our job is to identify active molecules, extract them and express them in the most effective and simplest formula.